Retrofit MD77 for Dong Fang

Retrofit 201 MW Dongfang turbines to increase AEP by 4 percent

DEIF Wind Power Technology has recently finalised an upgrade of 134 1.5 MW Dongfang turbines with our modern control system solution. The total capacity is 201 MW and is expected to increase the AEP by 4%.

Xiangshui Wind Park was installed back in 2010 in the Jiangsu province, China, whereas the original control system was out-dated in 2015, only five years later. This resulted in park owners’ call for a tenders from a number of potential suppliers. The objective was find a supplier that could match the demands for upgrading the 134 turbines. This was done by a demonstrating and showcasing control system solutions from each supplier. The decision-making process was thorough and depended on many important parameters to fulfil. With our demonstration, we were selected to be partner for the retrofit project of 134 MD77 turbines.

Retrofit MD77

The original turbine is very solid model and produced by Dongfang’s steam turbine MD77 licensed by the German turbine manufacturer RePower. However, the control system was old, out-dated, some turbine controllers were even defect. The control systems did not comply with China’s existing legal requirements with no option for remote monitoring.

The entire wind park with 134 1.5 MW turbines has been upgraded with DEIF’s modern control system solution, which makes it the most modern and optimized wind park in the world, today.

DEIF Wind Power Technology’s retrofit solution can to a great extent be carried out on European Repower and Führlander turbines, which both have the same aerodynamic.

4 % increased AEP with DEIF control solution

After the modernisation, the turbine owners can now look forward to produce significantly more green power with the upgraded MD77 turbines. Up until now, we have installed more than 2500 of these turbines with our control system solution to produce up to 4% more power (read case example). In Xiangshui, these examples were demonstrated with the advantage that we were selected to be the active partner for making Xiangshui a greener Wind Park with our control technology.

Life-time extension

The turbines’ control systems have been upgraded with our Advanced Wind turbine Controller, AWC 500 and pitch controller. The upgrade extends the turbines’ life-time significantly. In addition, our wind park control solution is installed to secure all 134 turbines deliver green energy to the grid. The original pitch controller used in these older generations is from German Lenord Bauer. By replacing this pitch controller the turbines fault handling is optimised by a close communication with the new main controller.

Local presence

Being locally present in Shanghai, it is a unique and a major advantage for the Xiangshui project that DEIF Wind Power’s control system solution is manufactured and supported in Shanghai. This way, we can deliver the complete package and help our customer throughout the entire process securing a successful and optimal turbine solution.

DEIF Wind Power upgrades a number of wind parks on a yearly basis. There are similar turbines to the MD77 in many other countries, which can be upgraded with the same control system solution. We experience, that older robust turbines have a lifetime that spans over 20 years with the possibility for owners to make great profit and produce green energy for the environment.

Pitch control, turbine control or retrofit?

DEIF Wind Power Technology develops and installs innovative green solutions for pitch control, turbine control and retrofit. Overall to secure and increase turbine performance. Choose DEIF's wind power solutions to reduce your Levelized Cost of Energy (LCoE) and increase your green electricity production.

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